Project Description
Chapel of the Virgen of Fátima
Barely separated from the Church by a few hundred meters, already in direction to the neighboring town of Perales, and located in front of the municipal cementery, is this other hermitage Morateña.
Of a much more austere character and close to popular architecture than the one erected in honour of the Virgen de la Antigua, but not without particular beauty, it is a temple dating from the seventeenth century. Although in 1927 it was restructured due to the bad state of that part of the hermitage.
It had double affiliation (virgins of Soledad and Fátima) since post-war times. Until the Civil War, in its altarpiece were venerated images of Our Lady of Soledad, the Cristo de la Vega and Our Lady of Las Nieves.
All o this was lost (it is presumably destroyed) during the Civil War, it was in 1948 when the image of the very popular Virgin of Fatima was acquired, which is venerated today in its altarpiece.